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Awesome Hip Hop Humans

Awesome Hip Hop Humans ~ Queer*Fem*Rap im deutschsprachigen Raum

by Gazal & Sookee

2 awesome human beings who I adore and respect so much, have created this masterpiece of a book 🙌🏼🙌

I have to admit: I'm not a big reader.

Every time I pick up a book I usually get bored quickly. The fact that I'm a slow reader also plays a part in this. I lose patience and that's followed by a lack of motivation to keep on reading. HOWEVER THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE 🙌 is very easy to read for me! Not only because it has a few beautiful pictures in it, but because it's genuinely interesting and I love the variety it offers 💜

For me, it has an emotional meaning as well. Being a female artists in this crazy industry, obstacles and seemingly closed doors are a part of my journey. This book sheds light on so many different journeys and stories that need to be told & it makes people like me feel seen and heard which makes me emotional but in a really good way 💜

Beyond thankful to be a part of it 🙏 thank you for including the lyrics of 'Many Crowns' in this literally AWESOME book 💜✨


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